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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Mitsuki Konishi - cosplay in progress

Let's start the checklist from head to toe...

To I can get my blonde wig back I'm just waiting for gf Joy to schedule a meet-up ^^ I'll combine this with another wig borrowed from Batella. I bought a big dark barette, and a hair mascara to help my brows match teh blondenezz ;)

As for the glasses, I thought about painting my glass frames black, but decided against risking it since dad got me this gold plated baby from Hong Kong.

As for the top, I ganked a polo shirt from my lil sis. I think it used to be her uniform back in college or something. I bought a yard of tiny ruffles (no, not ROFLs) and stitched them down the front of the shirt. Then the long sleeves are cut off to be replaced with bigger ROF- er, ruffles made from a half-yard of white tetoron.

I found the black velvet sleeveless knee-length dress at an ukay shop across Robinson's Galleria ^^ the hemline was raised a LOT shorter, then added the bigger RO-... ruffles! to match the new sleeves. The neckline was also scooped lower.

I found long black fake nails also at the palengke! I even got a discount from the Taiwanese seller by conversing in Fookien XD I found glass bangles and bought 1 yellow, 2 whites, with a ring to match.

Finally I dug up my thigh-high black socks (which I've used in past cosplays) and found the white high-heeled pumps in Greenhills ^^

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