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Wednesday, May 25, 2005


I went and checked out the POGS= Philippine Online Gaming Summit, probably the first of its kind. It was held last may 18 at the NBC tent in The Fort. It's acually my first time to go there so I'm happy my boss took me along. We find it amusing how rumors spread about us wanting to plug/announce UGG in POGS, when we never contacted each other in the first place.

Anyway, such things should not be given much thought anyway. We're all friends here in the community, because the success of one is the success of the community. There should never be any attitude of rivalry or competition :)

There I found gamers happily playing away in PC terminals lined up within the grounds. The models are the biggest eye-candy there. I heard the Pristontale Archer is also there(just check out the costume!) but (I also heard) the model became shy with all the attention she was getting. We also got free MPH magazines (nope, not FHM). And there was a live band playing.

We didn't stay too long. We soon went out and walked around The Fort. We eventually found kiddie rides and kel insisted they rid on them. I took pics of course :D

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